Friday, May 02, 2014

So... Clubs?

Konnichiwa, minna-san!
As of yesterday, I've joined:
- the A-P Welcoming Committee as a Club Supporter
- the Anime Newbies Club as a Newbie
- the A-P Cooking Club as the Brownie Guru (hehe...)
To those who thought: Whoa, I never would have believed! *exaggerated gasp*
Oh yes. I did.
But I'm feeling more and more excited by the fact that I've made some great friends (Insert Manny, Me adores you :3) and that I'm getting to be more involved in forums. They are just so interesting!
Speaking of which, I've been posting more and more blogs lately. And I'm really into it. I guess I wasn't consistent before because I didn't have anything interesting to talk about. But now, whoa.
I'm actually feeling really proud of myself. Which is saying something, cause I allways comment on not having pride. I'm just really interested in blogging right now. Even though I keep posting mushy and emotive entries. For which I do apologise. Gomen-nasai, minna-san :(
And at that note, I'm going to go :)
Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I've not really done the "blog" thing myself, but would like to continue reading more updates on yours! - Sianeka
